Malvern Well-dressing & Water Festival – May Day 2022

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Malvern Well Dressing and Water Festival 2022 logo

It’s almost May Day…

And that means well-dressings, blessings, music, dance and much revelry!

In 2020, the well-dressing event was cancelled altogether, although a few people dressed springs and their homes and gardens. Then in 2021, wells were dressed but there were no public events. No doubt, as a result, the enthusiasm and support for the festival for this year has been incredible. Everyone wants to be involved in something! Currently, the number of springs and wells being dressed is 57, with around 200 adults and over 500 school children involved.

Literature as the Theme

This year, the chosen theme is Literature. MSA well-dressing organiser Rick Banbury said, “Malvern already has a grand literature heritage, with connections from William Langland to C S Lewis, J R R Tolkien and Barbara Cartland. We shall no doubt be delighted with many rich tableaux of literary inspiration.”

We hope you will be able to visit some if not all of the dressed wells, and enjoy the various festivities and events which have been arranged in and around the town.

Events Timetable 2022

The wells will be dressed during Friday 29th April and judged the following day. Most will be up for several days, with the last ones being dismantled on Sunday 8th May.

On Saturday 30th April there’s a HEALTH & WELL-BEING fair in Rosebank Gardens, and on Monday 2nd May it’s the MAY DAY WATER FESTIVAL & FAMILY FUN DAY in Priory Park.

You’ll find all the information you need and more by clicking on the buttons below, but do keep an eye out for updates on our website, and social and other media, especially:

MalvernWellDressing on Facebook.

Also, look out for our Spring 2022 newsletter, which will be out before Easter. It features a wide range of really interesting and entertaining articles, and some amazing photos taken for the MSA by our official photographer Jan Sedlacek of Digitlight in Malvern (@Digitlight).

Best wishes,
Carly Tinkler
MSA President

View the photos from last year’s festival