This information was published on our original website in 2014. We are in the process of updating the information, as some of the contents may be out of date.

There are many springs and wells around the Malvern area. This table gives details of where to find them and, where we have them, pictures of what they look like. Some are not easy to spot!

Where we have more information on a spring or well there is a link to a page where you can read more. The table has been turned into an interactive map by Gareth Smith and you can see the map here.

You can filter the table using a search term to locate the springs and wells that interest you.

NameLocationGrid ReferenceDescriptionMore information
Barnards Green TroughBarnards Green TroughAt the junction of Guarlford Road and Hall GreenSO79834542Travelling away from Great Malvern on the Guarlford Road, on the left just before you reach the junction with Hall Green Road, you will see this disused horse trough and dry drinking fountain, with a dog trough below, on the broad grass verge.More information and images
Beacon SpringAround Hillside on West Malvern RoadSO76474519This spring emerges from a pipe in the bank just below West Malvern Road at the southern end of the village. It is near Hillside, once a school, and also supplied nearby houses until the 1970’s.
Bottling Works Spring, Great Malvern, Malvern Spa AssociationBottling Works SpringIn a yard leading off Belle Vue Terrace.SO77484598This ancient spring is in a courtyard on Belle Vue Terrace, a few doors down from The Unicorn Pub. The rare visible geology of this beautiful, natural feature within a recess in the northern retaining wall is quite unique among Malvern’s springs. The spring itself was not used for bottling.More information and images
British Camp WellImmediately west of the Herefordshire Beacon.SO75814018On the western side of British Camp, off the A449, walk along the first path on the left to a cattle grid. Nearby is this privately owned well on overgrown private land near the track way, but without official public access. When last visited it comprised a 19th century hand-operated windlass pump over a deep brick well, so be careful.
Broomhill Spring, MalvernBroomhill SpringBehind the Broomhill Hotel in West MalvernSO76484657This spring appears on the Ordnance Survey map of West Malvern on the hill behind Broomhill House formerly a Hotel, but because the slopes here are peppered with cliffs and little quarries it had proved impossible to locate until 2005. More information and images
New sources of Chalybeate Spring in Priory Park, Malvern Spa Association
The Chalybeate Spring
Chalybeate SpringIt emerges in several places, the highest being in Priory Park. There is a further active source at the rear of Spa Cottage, Priory Road.SO77724575A ‘lost’ spring that can be seen again today as it has recently emerged above Swanpool in the southern end of Priory Park, beside the lower end of the Hay Well stream, where it congeals in a small puddle of rather unsightly rusty water looking like sewage effluent, before trickling into the clear stream.More information and images
Chances Pitch SpoutAbout 2 Km west of British Camp on the B4218SO74454019Until recently this Herefordshire spout flowed into a lovely little stone trough that could be found below British Camp, beside the junction of the A449 from Malvern to Ledbury, on the north-eastern side of the B4218 road leading to Colwall.More information and images
Doorway to the well room at the Clock Tower, North MalvernClock Tower (The Tank) and North Valley SpoutNorth Malvern RoadSO76954707The fully restored Clock Tower was reopened in May 2009. More information and images
Cottage in the Wood SpoutAt the Cottage in the Wood Hotel, Malvern Wells, at the rear of the car park between the hotel and holiday cottages.SO77094270The site can be found towards the northern end of Holy Well Road. Follow the A449 from Great Malvern to Malvern Wells and before the left junction to Upton take the right turning uphill towards the Holy Well, clearly sign-posted to the Cottage in the Wood, a private hotel and restaurant.

Like many premises in the vicinity built before the 1870’s, this cottage was probably supplied with water piped for domestic purposes from the Holy Well. The original iron outlet pipe can now be found high in the bank behind the car park, where today the water runs to waste.
Court Road SpoutSet in the wall of Michael House on the junction of Court Road and Woodshears Road.SO78414548This late 19th century spout is set in the street wall of Michael House, near the junction of Court Road and Woodshears Road, Barnard’s Green.

At that time this was a very run down area of Malvern, with much illness due to poor sanitation and polluted wells, so an essential supply of pure drinking water was piped from Rushey Valley in 1886. The spout became neglected in the 20th century with a very reduced flow from the settlement tank behind the wall, but in 2007 the owners of the house above improved the supply to the spout.
Cowleigh Road PumpOn Cowleigh Road, North Malvern, past Earl Beauchamp's FountainSO76404765This traditional iron pump no longer works and can be found in a small recess on the left of the road from Malvern to Storridge, past Earl Beauchamp’s Spout.
Crown Stables Pump, Great MalvernCrown Stables WellGoing down the top steps into Priory Churchyard. It is located below the buildings that houses the shop "Aquarius" (on the right).SO77554589In 2005 this beautiful old well was uncovered in Great Malvern town centre by John Bibby, an MSA Committee Member. This private well beneath Lyttleton House in Abbey Road, may date back to medieval times as part of the Priory, and has been identified as the former stable well of the 16th century Crown Hotel (now Lloyds Bank).More information and images
Danzel SpringDanzell SpringOn the Hill at the rear of 151 West Malvern RoadSO76474657This spring still flows abundantly in pipe-work downhill from here. It can be traced past the back of the Village Hall, across Ebrington Road where it sometimes breaks through and floods, down through the Chapel garden, across West Malvern Road, emerging in a stone trough in the orchard garden of the Old Fire Station.More information and images
Devil's Well, Malvern HillsDevil's WellDevil's Well is situated on the hillside, behind a metal bench and lamp post, beside the Holy Well Road, several bends to the south of the Holy Well.SO77174201The site named as the Devil’s Well is high above a metal bench and lamp post beside the Holy Well Road, several bends to the south of the Holy Well itself. The “well” comprises a small water collection cistern high in Tumuli Valley, which can be found by following the stream uphill beyond the pig wire and stone gabions. More information and images
Dingle SpringDingle & Hillside SpringsOn the left of West Malvern Road heading south; by the car park.SO76494559This spring can be found on the Worcestershire Beacon, at the top of Dingle Valley, West Malvern.More information and images
Ditchford's WellNear the road junction of the Ledbury/Worcester and Welland RoadsSO76904080This ancient well was also known as Nancy's or Mary's Well and is thought to have originally been near what is now a triangular traffic island in the road junction of the Ledbury and Welland Roads, marked by a large electricity pylon.More information and images
Donkey Spout, in Happy Valley, Malvern HillsDonkey SpoutBeside trackway, above St. Ann's Road, Great MalvernSO77224596Climb up St Ann`s Road from Great Malvern to the first corner but continue on straight up the hill following trackway for a few hundred yards. To the left is a pathway leading to houses and above its hairpin bend the spout structure can be seen to the left of the main track, which continues uphill to St Ann`s Delight. The table-like structure over the spout is thought to have originally been a platform for mounting donkeys carrying people to St Ann's Well. Beneath it was a drinking spout and small donkey trough.More information and images
Dripping Well, Malvern Spa AssociationDripping WellRushey Valley, north east of the Worcestershire Beacon, above Foley Terrace.SO77104538A small spring in Rushey Valley on the south-eastern side of the Worcestershire Beacon.

If you take the middle path southwards from St Ann's Well until you reach the rock strewn Rushey Valley, as you climb upwards you can often hear the sound of water trickling through the scree slopes. The Dripping Well spring flows out of a group of boulders and ferns in a small gully but soon disappears again into the ground. In the mid 19th century it was one of the water sources on the walking route of water-cure patients and is still used today by thirsty walkers who know its position.
Earl Beauchamps SpoutEarl Beauchamp's SpoutCowleigh Road, North Malvern.SO76664750This prolific spring water source can be found as you leave North Malvern on the Cowleigh Road going towards Storridge. The spout is on the left just past the cross roads with Lower Road and Cowleigh Bank. There is a convenient car park behind it with information on the 'Worcestershire Way' walk.More information and images
Ellerslie fountainEllerslie FountainIn the bank on the roadside of Wells Road above Abbey Road junction.SO77454503Hidden in the overgrown bank on roadside of Wells Road above Abbey Road junction, there is a Malvern stone recess or once picturesque 'rocky grotto' with railings above, still with the remains of a spout and seat flanked by two weathered stone tablets which were once inscribed. The MSA plans to have these re-cut and restore the site as part of the Malvern Heritage Project - Springs Restoration. The water originally flowed into a small trough, which the MSA also hopes to replace, but as it is on a very busy roadside without safe public access the site will have to remain dry.More information and images
Enigma Fountain, Great MalvernEnigma FountainAt the North end of Belle Vue Island in Great MalvernSO77524594The Enigma Fountain is at the northern end of Belle Vue Island, Great Malvern, at the top of the flight of steps from Church Street and incorporates a bronze life-size figure of Sir Edward Elgar. The fountain was commissioned by Malvern Hills District Council and designed by Rose Garrard to celebrate Sir Edward Elgar, his music the Enigma Variations written in 1900 in Malvern, and Malvern's pure spring water.
Evendine SpringEvendine SpringAt Brand Green, in the 'V' of the junction of Jubilee Drive and Evendine Lane.SO76644099Travelling from British Camp towards Wyche Cutting along Jubilee Drive, the site can be found on the left at the junction with Evendine Lane, just below the roadway. There are usually one or two cars parked at the top of the Lane while the owners collect the water.More information and images
Eye Well, Malvern HillsEye WellOn the Hill above Holy Well.SO76884232One famous Malvern water site is the Eye Well, now only a tiny bubbling pool of water on the hills directly above the Holy Well in Malvern Wells, but long renowned for its healing of diseased livers, kidney stones and other ailments as well as eyes.More information and images
Goat SpringUp a short gullet on the left by red brick cottages in Holywell Road.SO77114151Said to have been named after goats that grazed here, this underground slate tank is above Holywell Road in Malvern Wells, up a track beside the private house called 'the Skerries', which it once supplied. In 2000 the MSA drew up designs for a bronze goat's head spout to be installed in front of the tank, but in 2001 it was unexpectedly capped off by MHD Council with a brick and iron cover, so our plans had to be abandoned.
Golf Club SpoutOn the northern side of Worcestershire Golf Club House, Wood Farm Road, Malvern Wells.SO77644330A pipe coming out of a bank beside the Golf Club building, Wood Farm Road, Malvern Wells, with water flowing into an old iron container.
Gothic Well on Wells Road, Malvern, below Hanley Terrace - Malvern Spa AssociationGothic WellOn Wells Road below Hanley TerraceSO77284321On Wells Road below Hanley Terrace this privately owned source has a unique neo-Gothic, Victorian castellated facade comprising a door flanked by two windows in front of an underground, vaulted well-chamber.More information and images
Grindrod's FountainFormerly Townsend House, College Road, Great MalvernSO77774535A 'gothic' style spout and basin now dry, in private grounds. It is inside the gate to the Malvern College Music School, on the wall to the right. It was named after Dr Grindrod, a 'tea-totaller' who ran a 'Water Cure' establishment here in Victorian times.
HaysladHaysladAt the foot of the Worcester Beacon on the West Malvern RoadSO76654480The pure untreated water at this most prolific spout is piped directly from a group of three natural springs on the hillside, to the south of Hayslad Quarry.More information and images
Hay well, Malvern Spa AssociationHay WellSituated at the bottom of the flight of steps behind Warwick House, on the southerly A449 entrance to Great MalvernSO77524570This is one of a cluster of three 'lost' wells around Haywell Walk, at the bottom of the flight of steps behind Warwick House, on the southerly A449 entrance to Great Malvern.
Hodges SpringBeside the road near Park farm, Harcourt Road, West MalvernSO76034490
Holy Well close-up, Malvern Spa AssociationHoly WellHolywell Road, Malvern Wells.SO77034233The Holy Well restoration was completed by the end of April 2009. Work continues on the new HOLYWELL Spring Water bottling plant.More information and images
Hospital FountainHospital FountainIn the foyer of Malvern Hospital. The hospital is now closed.SO78154604This is just beside the entrance hall within the Community Hospital in Lansdowne Crescent, at the bottom of Church Street, Great Malvern.

The Hospital and water fountain both date from 1911, when spring water was regarded as an asset for the premises. However according to a nurse there, for reasons of health and safety the authorities decided that the supply should be cut off in the late 1990's. Today, although dry, this unique little wall-mounted spout and basin with two cups on chains, is still in place and is watched over by our Well Warden. The Malvern Spa Association has asked for the basin to be rescued when the current plans to redevelop the Hospital come to fruition.
(RG 2007)
Jacobs Pump at Malvern Theatres now
Now: in the restaurant at the theatre
Jacob's FountainIn the restaurant area in the Winter GardensSO77724582This fountain, a bronze sculpture of four water babies by Richard Goulden, was paid for by public donations in 1929 as a permanent memorial to Dr Henry Jacob, a much loved local G.P. It is located in the Winter Gardens.More information and images
Jasmine SpringSpring Cottage, Lower Wyche Road, Lower Wyche.SO77284450This spring originates in the garden of Spring Cottage, formerly Jasmine Cottage, in Lower Wyche Road, Malvern Wells and flows down to the pond on Malvern Common.
Jubilee Fountain, MalvernJubilee FountainOn the corner of Grundy's Lane and Wells Road, Malvern Wells.SO77334233This fountain in the form of an ornate stone monument, now dry, can be found at the junction of Green Lane and Wells Road, on the corner of Grundy's Lane.

Unveiled on 21st June 1887 to celebrate Queen Victoria's Golden Jubilee, the fountain and several nearby dwellings were supplied with water piped directly from Holy Well. The MSA has tried to trace the ownership of this long-disputed corner of land and fountain and discovered that it was illegally transferred by St Peter's Church to the Urban District Council in 1887 and then became neglected. In 2007 the Malvern Wells Parish Council have at last been able to undertake official ownership of the fountain from the Worcester Diocese, enabling it to be scheduled for repairs and spring water reconnection as part of the Malvern Heritage Project; Springs Restoration.
(RG 2007)
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Lodge Spring, MalvernLodge SpringBeside the drive to Hill House off Worcester RoadSO77524649
In the private grounds of Hill House, formerly The Lodge, Worcester Road, at the northerly entrance of the A449 into Great Malvern.

In the mid 19th century, at the height of the water cure, The Lodge was an elegant building of large apartments that were rented out for 'the season' to wealthy patients such as Charles Darwin. This picturesque spout is in a little recess on the left of the private driveway. The spring water continues to flow from the spout into a shell shaped basin and overflows into a grille below. In 2005 our Well Warden reported that during the enlargement of the nearby communications mast, bulldozer excavations just above this spout were threatening to destroy the spring supply. The Malvern Spa Association immediately informed the authorities of the dangers to the site and the District Council then insisted that the building work was continued by hand. It survives today as a result of these prompt actions to protect it.
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Lord Sandys' Spout, Spring Lane,Malvern LinkLord Sandys' SpoutSpring Lane, Malvern Link.SO78844771When you turn from Worcester Road (A449), Malvern Link, into Spring Lane, past the B&Qs store, the spout is about 1/2 of the way down on the opposite side, in a gap between the houses, at the back of a small grassy area.
Lower Wyche Spout, MalvernLower Wyche SpoutOld Wyche Road, Lower Wyche.SO77254423Above the Wells Common on the Old Wyche Road, beside the cottages is a curved Malvern stone wall fronting an underground settlement tank, which supplied the spout with spring water until about 2001, but is now almost dry. The spring water supply pipe to the tank is believed to have ruptured, though the supply to the animal trough below is still flowing.

Donated by Charles Morris in 1840, this is one of three public spouts that he created for the use of local inhabitants, usually the poorer residents who didn't own a private well and needed a reliable water supply. The MSA hope that repairs to this site as part of the Springs Restoration Project, will re-establish the water supply by 2008.
Malvhina - spout on Bell Vue Island MalvernMalvhinaOn Belle Vue Island, Great Malvern below the top steps.SO77524591This public drinking spout brought spring water back to the town centre for the first time in at least thirty years - from Happy Valley, Rushey Valley and Ivy Scar Rock. The design of the female figure sculpted in stone and bronze, has a triple theme incorporating elements representing the three springs that supply the spout , the three roads that meet here and the three most important periods in Malvern`s history, - the ancient Celtic origins, the coming of Christianity and the growth of the town in Victorian times. To meet current Environmental Health regulations, the supply of spring water to this new public spout is passed through U.V. and carbon filters to ensure it is safe to drink.More information and images
Moorall's Well??For 150 years at least there has been speculation as to the actual site of Moorall`s Well or Moorally Well near Burstner`s Cross, which was once the name of the road junction at the British Camp. More information
Old Moses Spout, MalvernOld Moses SpoutTo the left of St Ann's Wellhouse gate.SO77214581This spout beside the doorway to St Ann's Well was supplied from a separate piped spring source until 2001 when it stopped flowing. It is thought to have been the watering place for donkeys that used to carry visitors up the steep hill.More information
Osbourne's Spout, MalvernOsborne's TroughJunction of Worcester Road and North Malvern Road.SO77544682This small metal animal trough and tap can be seen just below the junction of North Malvern Road and Worcester Road (A449), in the supporting wall below Penny Cottage, formerly a public toilet, just south of Trinity Church.

The Trinity Trough probably dates from the mid 19th century for the use of carriage horses and donkeys but is now dry. In a 1997 book on the Malvern springs by Cora Weaver and Bruce Osborne, they named it Osborne's Fountain after Bruce Osborne.
Owl's Hole SpringTo the East of British Camp, North of British Camp Reservoir.SO76464015This neglected spring emerges at the foot of the hill on the north-eastern side of British Camp Reservoir, where it was pumped up from its own small reservoir to nearby homes until the 1960's. In the 1990's the pump was removed and restored by Weaver and Osborne who occasionally show it at local events.
Park FarmOn the South side of Harcourt RoadSO76214502Travelling south out of the village along the West Malvern Road, take the first turning right after the Dingle, into Harcourt Road. After the junction with Blackheath Way, this spring can be found on the left hand side near Park Farm, flowing into an old stoneware sink probably once used for animals.
Park Road spoutAbout 50 meters down Park Road on the left.SO76404585
Perrins Well HeadIn the grounds of Davenham, Graham road, Great MalvernSO77804686This elaborate 'well' is in private grounds at the entrance to 'Davenham', a large gothic-style house at the Link Common end of Graham Road, once the home of the benefactor Charles Dyson Perrins.More information
Primes Well (formerly Pewtriss Well), on the Ledbury Road from MalvernPrimes Well (formerly Pewtriss Well)On the Ledbury Road from British Camp car park is a steep bank on the right after about 400 metres. At the foot of this is the contained spring.SO75984036In 'Piers Plowman' a long poem written in 1362 by William Langland, the spring that the peasant narrator slept beside and dreamt his allegorical vision of "a fair field full of folk", is claimed by some to be Primeswell spring or Pewtriss Well as it was formerly called. More recently water from Primeswell Spring was piped from the western slopes of British Camp and then bottled at Colwall by Coca-Cola. More information
Priors Vineyard SpringAlong Back Lane on the wall at the side of Waitrose car parkSO77604620This was a large ancient well off Edith Walk in Great Malvern town centre, and consisted of a dark rectangular pool of water, walled on two sides, perhaps containing an original spring source here or filled from the Happy Valley springs on the hills above.

When new Waitrose supermarket in Great Malvern was built. This prolific spring supply had to be channelled to a new outlet below in Back Lane, now named 'Rose Gulley Spout'.
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Promenade Fountain, MalvernPromenade FountainIn the gardens opposite the Abbey Hotel, by the priory gatehouseSO77514580Owned now by the Abbey Hotel, the Promenade Gardens and fountain were a public space created in 1880 to entice visitors away from the hills into the town and had one thousand visitors on its opening day. Regular open air concerts were held there until 1913.

The spectacular fountain originally cost £600 and took the form of a tiered "cake stand", probably in cast iron. It was restored in 2005 by the Abbey Hotel management.
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Fountain at Great Malvern Railway StationRailway Station FountainA trough set against the wall to the right of the ticket office entrance to Great Malvern Station, but nolonger supplied with water.SO78304570The Great Malvern railway station complex was built in the 1860's and was designed to impress the wealthy visitor to the town. It remains the most ornate small station in the British Isles, with many intriguing details including iron columns with unique foliate capitols.
In 1880 the spout and trough were installed at the station entrance by the Malvern Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, to water the horses when waiting here to pick up passengers.
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Railway Tunnel SpringBetween Colwall and Malvern Wells.SO77584370This spring is off Peachfield Road at Malvern Wells and flows out of the entrance to the first railway tunnel built through the hills to Colwall in the 1850's. While under construction the tunnel drained a number of spring supplies from nearby houses, which were then re-supplied by this water pumped from the tunnel. Today the outflow can still be seen running down the embankment where the path passes beneath the railway bridge.
Royal Spa, Malvern, by Wyche CuttingRoyal Malvern SpaOn the West Malvern Road near the Wyche Cutting.SO76774416After building the Royal Well public spout, the gentry appealed to William Ryland to create a well room for their own use. He then went on to build an ambitious domed hall seating 2,000 people plus a "Spa Pump Room", a refreshment bar, a suite of water cure baths for "tourists and invalids" and an art gallery. In a recess decorated with flowers was "a white marble fountain in the shape of an angel pouring water from a lily flower, which it held in the right hand, while in the left was an unfurled scroll bearing the inscription: God`s water, Drink and thirst not. Pure water is life."
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Royal Well, Wyche Cutting, MalvernRoyal WellAlong West Malvern Road, north of Wyche Cutting. An arched recess in street wall with working spout. Privately owned.SO76804417A public spout built in 1870 by William RylandMore information and images
Ryland's Well, now hidden down a trap doorRyland's Well and St Thomas' WellOn the West Malvern Road near the Wyche Cutting.SO76804417In 2005 the present owner of the Royal Well rang the MSA to tell us that when laying a new oak floor inside her cottage above the spout, the centre of the concrete floor underneath sounded hollow. When this area was chipped away, a covered well half full with pure, clean water, which feeds the public spout was revealed. It had always been rumoured that William Ryland kept secret access to a private supply from St Thomas` Well, but it was never found, until now. The Malvern Spa Association have named this new discovery "Ryland`s Well" after its secretive founder.

This well is in turn fed by a pipe from the cottage next door and during building work there in the 1990`s another well was found, also under their front room floor. It was then covered over with glass as a 'desirable feature' and is believed to be the original St Thomas` Well, long renowned for its healing properties.

RG 2007
St Ann's Well, MalvernSt Ann's WellApproximately 500 metres west of Great Malvern town centre.SO77214581The first mention of St Ann's Well in Malvern was by the Bishop of Westminster in 1282 and appears in the parish records, but the origins of both the well and the name Ann are thought to be much earlier than that.More information and images
Spout in St James' Churchyard, West MalvernSt James' ChurchyardIn the churchyard of St James' church, West MalvernSO76354608The spout is on the right as you enter the graveyard from the upper entrance, in an arched niche of the supporting wall beneath the main road. Although now reduced to a trickle, it originally had a plentiful supply piped from Westminster Bank Springs.
The grave of Peter Mark Roget, whose famous thesaurus was published in 1852, can be found on the far left upper level of the graveyard, near the top entrance gates on West Malvern Road.
Stocks Drinking FountainStocks Drinking FountainBy the stocks and whipping post in North Malvern Road.SO77424690The remains of Stocks Fountain can be seen within a curved wall beside the beginning of North Malvern Road, above Trinity Church, on common land just below the old stocks and animal pound.
Temperance Drinking FountainTemperance Drinking FountainOn the edge of Malvern Link Common, beside the Worcester Road, just uphill from the railway bridge.SO78184738The Temperance Fountain was built in 1900 by the Women's Temperance Association, as a pure spring water supply to discourage the drinking of alcohol. At that time beer was generally regarded as an unpolluted and safe alternative to unclean water. This handsome fountain was originally supplied from the spring water collector main until the Second World War but then became neglected. The MSA pressed for the supply to be restored and in 1999 the Malvern Hills District Council Repaired the pipe work and replaced the missing tap, but reconnected it to the domestic treated water main so it no longer supplies spring water.
Tudor WellBy the Tudor HotelSO77534570The Tudor Well was created over a prolific spring discovered in about 1850 in the garden of Hollyrood House and the Tudor Hotel owned by the famous 19th century hydrotherapist Dr Gully. It about 20,000 gallons a day and was contained in a separate Victorian bathhouse for the use of patients who came to stay in Malvern to take the Water Cure with Dr Gully.
Tyrol House Fountain, MalvernTyrol House FountainIn the front wall of Tyrol House, Wells Road, Malvern Wells, opposite The Abbey College.SO77244162On the Wells Road, Malvern Wells, this 19th century spout, long dry, is set in a decorative niche in the street wall of Tyrol House, opposite the Abbey College. This attractive but neglected feature comprises a public spout with decorative upper trough and lower trough for animals.
Walms WellOn the fringe of Eastnor WoodsSO76063927Walm's Well, Wa'am's Well or St Waum's Well is at Tippin's Rough in News Wood, on the southwestern slopes of the Malvern Hills and was named after an early Christian missionary. It is one of the most ancient surviving well sites in the Malverns, traced back to between 200 BC and 50 BC.
Ward-Jackson's Fountain, MalvernWard-Jackson's FountainA dry spout with no trough, in a wall recess below the junction of Priory Road and Abbey Road, Great Malvern, often with cars parked in front.SO77634555This public spout was once supplied with water piped from prolific springs at Rushey Valley via Melton Lodge, where Major Ward Jackson lived in the mid 19th century. He built the spout and trough in 1868, but one year later most of the water was taken by the Local Board to supply a large part of the town and the spout became neglected.
Weavers' WellWeaver's WellIn the upper roadside bank of Lower Wyche Road near the junction with Wyche Road.SO77394482A free flowing spout on roadside with simple brick surround forming a drinking trough for animals, probably carriage horses from the 'promenade' on Wells Common. Probably fed from the nearby Wyche reservoir above it. It has no connection with weaving but was named by Cora Weaver after herself in the 1990's.
West Malvern TapWest Malvern TapNear the post office, West Malvern RoadSO76404595A large bronze tap in a brick arched recess within a curved retaining wall on West Malvern Road beside the post box. The site and tank above (now dry) are owned by Ron Mason whose deeds date back to 1886. The spout used to be supplied from the "Main Spring", one of three springs at the top of Westminster Bank.More information and images
Westminster Bank SpringWestminster Bank SpringBeside the track at the top of Westminster Bank,
off West Malvern Road opposite St James's School
SO76474616At the crossroads in the centre of West Malvern, walk up to the top of Westminster Bank and where it meets the hill track way, this picturesque site can be found on the bank in front of you.

The spout emerges from the base of a tree trunk that has enveloped it, but still has a steady trickle of pure water that has never been known to dry up, flowing into an old stone trough.
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Willow Spring, MalvernWillow SpringB4218 Walwyn Road, 300 metres south of the Wyche spout and the Wyche Cutting.SO76754344Travelling from Malvern Wells through the Wyche Cutting into Herefordshire, take the lower left fork down towards Colwall (Walwyn Road) and Willow Spring is about 500 yards down on the left, beside the road by a track-way but before the hairpin bend.

This is an ancient 'fault' spring where originally the water flowed from an outcrop of rock beside a willow tree, hence the name.
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Wyche Spout MalvernWyche SpoutBy the roadside on the right at the junction near the Wyche Cutting, below the tump with seat.SO76824370A map of 1633 shows a spring near Wyche Cutting named as Primes Spring and earlier in about 1400 it was referred to as Primes Well, but the actual site of this well is still debated but is thought to now be under the grassy bank below High Land Cottage. After the construction of the new tarmac roadway in 1836, a public spout was installed on "the Tump" on the opposite western side of the road. In 1930 this water was described as a coming from a pure Archaean granite spring. Now named Wyche Spout, it was primarily for the use of quarrymen working for the Pix Granite Company, who lived in the houses built here from about 1848.More information and images
Wynds Point Spout, near British Camp, Malvern HillsWynds Point SpoutOpposite British Camp car park by the roadsideSO76364040At British Camp road junction, opposite the car park, this spout in a stone pillar marked "Pure Drinking Water" (now dry) can be seen in the railings beside the road. The main road is dangerous here and the 'pavement' narrow, so cross with care.

The spout was once supplied from a natural spring in the grounds of Wynds Point, the 19th century home of famous singer Jenny Lind, then popularly known as the "Swedish Nightingale". The house is now owned by the Cadbury family and has several wells in the grounds that are still supplied from this prolific source.