Why not help us achieve our aims to conserve protect and restore the Springs, Spouts, Fountains and Wells of the Malvern Hills by becoming a well warden?
All we ask of a Malvern Spa Association Well-warden is that you monitor your well(s) on a regular basis, reporting on matters such as changes in water flow or discolouration (possible pollution), vandalism, deterioration from ongoing neglect or any other problems. You will receive free MSA membership.
As many of the wells, springs and spouts already have a Well-warden allocated to them, could you please indicate if you would be interested in being a warden for other wells in your locality if your preferred well is not available. You may be surprised to know that there are over 100 known wells etc. around the Malvern Hills, therefore there may be others near you that you are unaware of.
If you would like to become an MSA Well-warden, please fill in the form below and submit it.