Who are the Well-wardens?

A group of individuals who monitor the condition of their local wells, spouts and springs providing invaluable information to the MSA, enabling us to ensure the sites are well maintained. The role of an MSA Well-warden is simply to act as an observer of their chosen site, which ideally they should live near and/or frequently visit and to make at least one annual report to the MSA.

What do they do?

The MSA asks only that you care for your site by conscientiously reporting your observations of any changes in the site to us; changes in water colour, taste or rate of water flow, any damage or vandalism to the structure or the surrounding site, any encroachment by trees, shrubs or plant life that might endanger the water site, flooding or any other site problem. The MSA will then take any necessary action, including informing site owners and any relevant authorities.

How to become a well-warden

We always welcome more volunteers and if you wish to be an MSA Well-warden please fill in a registration form giving your contact details to the MSA and identifying your chosen spring water site. All MSA Well-wardens will then receive 3 free MSA Newsletters annually and free MSA Membership while they remain as a Well-warden.


Well-wardens are asked not to undertake any work on their site other than picking up litter, twigs and leaves to tidy the site and occasionally clearing the build up of pebbles in troughs. Well-wardens must not undertake any other work on the site on behalf of the MSA, unless and until it is discussed and agreed with the MSA first and then permission to proceed is obtained from the site owner.

To become a Malvern Spa Association Well-warden please click here.