What a wonderful weekend of Well-dressing!
We hope you enjoyed visiting all the wells and spouts that were dressed this weekend. With a theme of “Literature” there were some wonderful recreations of favourite books. Narnia was a firm favourite with two depictions of Aslan (Malvhina and Barnards Green Trough) and the White Queen at Hayslad.

Prizes were presented in Priory Part by our president, Dr John Harcup and the crowds were entertained with a demonstration of the water cure. A full list of prizes can be found here.
There was also a demonstration of the Malvern Water Cure made famous in Victorian times.
Below you’ll find a selection of photos of dressed wells. Most were taken by Rick Banbury with some by Jan Sedlacek, our professional photographer, and Carly Tinkler. You can see Jan’s full selection of photos on the links here. There is the opportunity to buy copies of the photos of prize giving.