Merry May Day!
May Day is almost upon us: that means well-dressings, blessings, music, dance and much revelry!
Kings and Queens as the Theme
This year, the chosen theme is Kings and Queens. MSA well-dressing organiser Rick Banbury said, “The theme ‘Kings and Queens’ has obviously given a nod to the Coronation, which will no doubt be the largest public event this year; and of course, we had the Queen’s funeral last year. But what a glorious nod this is! Phil Ironside, who suggested it, excited us with a surprisingly wide variety of possible interpretations of the theme, ranging from Current to Historical, from Greek Literature to Fairy Tales, from Rock and Roll Legends to Pantomime Icons – this ‘nod’ is in fact very broad. Come May Day we shall hope to be delighted with many rich tableaux of Kingly and Queenly inspiration.”
We hope you will be able to visit some if not all of the dressed wells, and enjoy the various festivities and events which have been arranged in and around the town.
Events Timetable 2023
The wells will be dressed during Friday 28th April and judged the following day. Most will be up for several days, with the last ones being dismantled on Sunday 7th May.
On Monday 1st May it’s the MAY DAY WATER FESTIVAL & FAMILY FUN DAY in Priory Park.
You’ll find all the information you need and more by clicking on the buttons below, but do keep an eye out for updates on our website, and social and other media, especially:
MalvernWellDressing on Facebook.
Also, look out for our Spring 2023 newsletter, which will be out before Easter. It features a wide range of really interesting and entertaining articles.
Best wishes,
Carly Tinkler
MSA President
A detailed list of the events happening during the 2023 festival.
There are currently 56 well dressings on the list, so before you visit the dressed wells, it’s probably a good idea to work out where they are and how to get there.
There are maps and guides available on this page.
View the photos from last year’s festival